We won Unity's Best Artistic Tool award of 2023!

by Federico Bellucci, 2023-11-20 | 1 minutes to read
🎉 We're happy to share that Text Animator won Unity's Best Artistic Tool award of 2023! 🎉

Thank you all so much for the support throughout these years, I still can’t believe it helped so many of you and shipped in so many wonderful & unique games. (View the showcase.)

assets images text animator unity febucci text animator best artistic tool 2023

We’ve been working hard in the past months on new and exciting things, so I really can’t wait to be able to share them! The new website redesign is just the first step to get things ready, starting from 2024.

A huge congrats to all nominations of this year (Unity Awards 2023, check out all the cool things they’re doing) and an heartfelt thanks to everyone who’s choosing us since years. This one is a weird one for sure, but I’m hopeful for the future and you’ll always find us here making games and tools anyways!!

If you’d like to check out Text Animator, you can have a look here:

Thank you all so much again and can’t wait to share more with you soon. Cheers!

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